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Discover 13 interesting facts about Bukayo Saka at Goalcom US

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Everything you need to know about Arsenal's star-boy Bukayo Saka.

Bukayo Saka is a young professional football player who was born on September 5, 2001, in Ealing, London, England to Nigerian parents. He has been at Arsenal since the age of seven, making his first-team debut in 2018 after progressing through the levels.

The England winger's excellent performances have earned him several accolades. He was named the Arsenal Player of the Month for December 2019 and December 2020 and the Premier League Player of the Month for July 2020. He was also named in the 2020 PFA Premier League Team of the Year and was the runner-up for the 2020 Arsenal Player of the Season.

Saka is known for his versatility, technical ability, and exceptional work rate on the field. At just 5'10", he compensates for his lack of physicality with his quick feet and agility.

For England, Saka has become an integral part of the team, having made his debut for the Three Lions in October 2020. He was a part of England's 2020 Euro campaign, playing in five of their seven games.

Off the field, Saka is known for his humility and down-to-earth personality. He is a big advocate for social justice and equality, and has spoken out about the need to tackle racism in football and society as a whole.

Here are 13 interesting facts about Saka that you absolutely need to know.

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