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FIH uses recycled advertising banners made by disabled individuals

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    In 2022, the International Hockey Federation (FIH) held its first-ever Hockey5s tournament in the Olympic capital, Lausanne, where it is based. The event, located in a busy square on the shores of Lake Geneva - Place de la Navigation -, was a great success. Many Lausanne residents, taking advantage of the summer temperature to walk around this place as they are used to, stopped and took part in the stands, conquered by the speed and skills of hockey, as well as the festive atmosphere that reigned there.

    In order to promote this event locally, FIH had placed advertising banners in several strategic places. And of course around the mini-stadium erected for the occasion.

    At the end of the tournament, FIH had the idea of recycling this material on the one hand, and on the other hand of doing it by an organisation involved in the integration. Along the way, FIH became aware of the Saint-Hubert Foundation, based in Sion, Switzerland, whose mission is the integration of adults with disabilities through professional activity and various support structures. In doing so, it offers a professional and educational environment adapted to its beneficiaries.

    Immediately, the contact was excellent. The Foundation was very enthusiastic about the project and FIH had just found the organisation that fulfilled the two objectives it had set for itself.

    A first series of about a hundred magnificent sports bags, backpacks, computer sleeves and pencil cases have already come out of the Foundation's workshops. Many more will be produced in the future.

    This initiative is also fully in line with the three pillars of the FIH Sustainability Strategy for hockey launched last year: People, Planet and Prosperity.

    “Beyond its natural benefits - physical activity, mental well-being, team-spirit or human values, etc – sport has a tremendous power to foster positive change in society, and for sustainability in particular. This initiative is a great example of that! On behalf of FIH, I’d like to extend our sincerest thanks and congratulations to everyone involved in the production of these wonderful pieces, that we’re all very proud to carry. And I urge all members of our global hockey community to engage with similar organisations, for similar actions. With so many hockey events around the world every year, the potential is huge!”, FIH President Tayyab Ikram said.


    Article information

    Author: Ryan Evans

    Last Updated: 1702094162

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    Author information

    Name: Ryan Evans

    Birthday: 2006-10-06

    Address: 780 Tammy Pike Suite 664, South Rodney, OR 03840

    Phone: +3545014409653622

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Snowboarding, Kite Flying, Pottery, Mountain Climbing, Skydiving, Stargazing, Crochet

    Introduction: My name is Ryan Evans, I am a forthright, welcoming, esteemed, cherished, transparent, important, accessible person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.