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Global social media marketing benefits by 2023 | Statista

Increased exposure is the most commonly cited advantage of using social media for marketing purposes among global industry professionals. This is unsurprising given the huge appeal of having billions of active users as a potential advertising audience. Improved traffic, lead generation and growing fan loyalty are further reasons why marketers see value in employing social networks in their campaigns. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are the top three most used social platforms among global marketers.

How are social media networks used for marketing?

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The industry is mostly divided between those who have been using social media marketing for longer than five years and those who have been doing so for less than 12 months. Yet both veterans and rookies know that the approach to social media marketing might be either passive or active. The former is based on user-generated content and allows the flow of natural communication among existing and prospective customers to serve as organic advertising. The active approach, however, requires deliberate employment of tactics and/or teams focused on creating and executing actual marketing campaigns. Within this scope, influencer marketing was born and is proving more and more effective as customers look for knowledgeable, authentic and honest advertising.


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Author: Sara Solomon

Last Updated: 1702228682

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Author information

Name: Sara Solomon

Birthday: 1936-07-17

Address: 392 Villegas Meadow, Tammyshire, NM 50013

Phone: +3781981698087215

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Chess, Sculpting, Telescope Building, Playing Chess, Wine Tasting, Graphic Design, Stamp Collecting

Introduction: My name is Sara Solomon, I am a honest, Determined, striking, exquisite, unguarded, unwavering, welcoming person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.